Old Lady in Training

A Blog About Gen-X Women Preparing for Retirement

Financial Freedom and Endless Vacations

Securing Financial Security in Retirement: Why You Should Consider Creating an Internet Side Hustle

photo of women celebrating

Table of Contents

lady on a bikeWelcome to the Adventure: Why We’re Talking Financial Security in Retirement

Hello, fellow adventurers! As Gen-X women, we’ve seen it all. We’ve juggled careers, family, and the unique challenges that come with being part of the sandwich generation. We’ve been the caregivers for our aging parents while simultaneously sending our kids off to college. It’s been a wild ride, and we wouldn’t change it for the world. But as we approach our golden years, it’s time to start thinking about the next big adventure: retirement.

Retirement isn’t what it used to be. It’s not about slowing down; it’s about having the freedom to live life on our terms. To travel, explore, learn, and experience all the wonderful things the world has to offer. But to do that, we need financial security. We need to know that we can afford to live our dreams without the constant worry of bills, healthcare costs, and unexpected expenses. 

Furthermore, Richard Corley, author of “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals”, analyzed IRS data and found that 75% of millionaires have multiple income streams.  photo of man with a faucet pouring out money

That’s where the concept of multiple income streams for retirement comes in. It’s about creating a safety net, a financial cushion that allows us to live our retirement years to the fullest. It’s about having the peace of mind that comes from knowing we’re financially secure, no matter what life throws our way.

But let’s face it, life can be unpredictable. We might face job loss due to downsizing or age discrimination. We might lose the second income of a partner. These are real concerns, and they can throw a wrench in our retirement plans. That’s why it’s more important than ever to diversify our income and not put all our eggs in one basket.

In the coming sections, we’ll explore why an internet side hustle can be a game-changer for securing financial security in retirement. So buckle up, ladies. It’s time to take control of our financial future and make our retirement years the best years of our lives.

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Life’s Curveballs: Why a Side Hustle is Your Secret Weapon

Life, as we know it, is full of surprises. Some are delightful, while others… well, let’s just say they keep us on our toes. As Gen-X women, we’ve learned to roll with the punches. We’ve navigated the ups and downs of life with grace and resilience. But those curveballs can feel a bit more daunting as we approach our retirement years.

photo demonstrating passive incomeThink about it. We’ve spent our lives building careers, often in industries that are rapidly changing or even disappearing. Job security isn’t what it used to be, and age discrimination, though illegal, is a real concern. We might find ourselves unexpectedly out of work, with a gap in our resume that’s hard to explain.

Or consider the financial impact of losing a partner’s income. Whether through divorce, illness, or death, the loss of a second income can be a major financial blow. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s one that many of us will face.

And then there’s the cost of living. It’s not getting any cheaper to live, is it? Healthcare costs are rising, and the cost of living is increasing faster than our paychecks. It’s enough to make anyone feel a bit uneasy about their financial future.

That’s where a side hustle comes in. A side hustle is more than just a way to make a little extra cash. It’s a safety net. It’s a way to diversify our income and protect ourselves from life’s financial curveballs.

An internet side hustle, in particular, offers a world of possibilities. It’s flexible, scalable, and can be done from anywhere in the world. It’s a way to turn our passions, skills, and experiences into a steady stream of income. And the best part? It can provide us with the financial security we need to truly enjoy our retirement years.

So, are you ready to explore the world of internet side hustles? Let’s dive in and discover how we can create multiple streams of income online, and secure our financial future.

Ready, Set, Hustle: Prepping for Your Online Income Adventure

Now that we’ve explored the why, let’s dive into the how. Starting an internet side hustle can seem daunting, but remember, we’re Gen-X women. We’ve faced challenges before, and we’ve come out stronger on the other side. This is just the next adventure on our journey.  Photo of Passive Income

Before we start, it’s important to remember that the best side hustles are born from our passions, skills, and experiences. It’s about finding something you love and finding a way to monetize it. So, let’s explore some of the ways you can turn your knowledge and skills into a profitable online side hustle.

  1. YouTube Channel: If you love sharing your knowledge and have a knack for storytelling, starting a YouTube channel could be a great fit. You could create educational videos about a topic you’re passionate about. And don’t worry, you don’t have to show your face if you don’t want to. Faceless YouTube channels and shorts can be monetized too!
  2. Online Courses: Have a skill or expertise that others would love to learn? Consider creating an online course. Platforms like Udemy or Coursera make it easy to share your knowledge and earn income.
  3. Coaching or Mentoring: If you’ve got years of experience in a particular field, why not turn that into a coaching or mentoring service? You could help others navigate their career, start their own business, or achieve their personal goals.
  4. Consulting: Similar to coaching, consulting allows you to leverage your professional expertise to help businesses or individuals solve problems or improve their performance.
  5. Affiliate Marketing: If you have a blog or a large social media following, you could earn income through affiliate marketing. This involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for any sales made through your referral link.
  6. Etsy and Print on Demand: If you’re a creative soul, consider starting an Etsy shop or a print-on-demand business. You could sell handmade goods, digital products, or custom-designed merchandise.
  7. Website Design: Got a knack for design and a good understanding of user experience? Consider offering your services as a website designer. There are such great tools available for site building now, like Elementor, even a novice can make websites for small businesses that don’t have the time or resources to do it themselves.
  8. Fiverr Gigs: Fiverr is a platform that allows you to post gigs for services you can offer, from writing and editing to graphic design and programming.

Remember, the key to a successful side hustle is to choose something that aligns with your skills and passions. It might take some time to find the right fit, but once you do, the sky’s the limit. So, are you ready to start your online income adventure? Let’s do this, ladies!

Don’t Miss Out: Join Us and Become an Old Lady in Training

We’ve covered a lot of ground today, haven’t we? We’ve talked about the importance of financial security in retirement, the benefits of an internet side hustle, and some of the exciting opportunities that are out there. But this is just the beginning of our journey.

photo depicting road to financial freedomIn the coming weeks, we’ll be diving deeper into each of these topics. We’ll be exploring how to create a successful YouTube channel, how to design and sell your own online courses, and how to turn your professional expertise into a profitable coaching or consulting business. We’ll be talking about how to make money with affiliate marketing, how to start your own Etsy shop or print-on-demand business, how to break into the world of website design, and how to make the most of platforms like Fiverr.

Each of these topics is a potential income stream, a chance to create financial security in retirement. And we want to make sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you.

That’s why we’re inviting you to join our Oldladyintraining tribe. When you subscribe to our newsletter, you’ll get the latest posts delivered straight to your inbox. You’ll get practical advice, insider tips, and real-life success stories to inspire and motivate you. And you’ll be part of a community of like-minded women who are all on the same journey towards financial freedom.

photo depicting how to get passive income

So, don’t miss out on our upcoming posts on “how to create a successful YouTube channel”, “designing and selling online courses”, “becoming a professional coach or consultant”, “making money with affiliate marketing”, “starting an Etsy shop or print-on-demand business”, “breaking into website design”, and “making the most of Fiverr”. Subscribe today, and let’s take this journey together.

Remember, retirement is not the end of the road. It’s the beginning of a whole new adventure. And with multiple income streams, that adventure can be everything you’ve dreamed of and more.


Parting Thoughts: Your First Step Towards a Secure, Exciting Future

As we wrap up today’s exploration into the world of internet side hustles, I want to leave you with a few parting thoughts.


Firstly, remember that this journey is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Building multiple income streams takes time, patience, and perseverance. There will be challenges along the way, but remember, we’re Gen-X women. We’ve faced challenges before, and we’ve always come out stronger on the other side.

Secondly, don’t be afraid to dream big. Whether it’s starting a YouTube channel, creating an online course, or launching an Etsy shop, your side hustle has the potential to grow into something truly amazing. It could even replace your full-time income, leading to an earlier and more fulfilling retirement.

Finally, remember that you’re not alone on this journey. By subscribing to our newsletter, you’re joining a community of like-minded women who are all working towards the same goal: financial security in retirement. We’ll be there to support you every step of the way, with practical advice, tips, and inspiration.

Photo of retired woman

So, are you ready to take the first step towards creating multiple streams of income online and securing your financial future? Remember, the adventure is just beginning. And with a little courage, creativity, and determination, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.

Let’s make our retirement years the best years of our lives. Let’s embrace the adventure, seize the opportunities, and create the financial security we deserve. Because we’re not just any women. We’re Gen-X women. We’re the Old Ladies in Training. And together, we’re unstoppable.


A great income stream is one that brings joy, offers flexibility, is sustainable over the long term, has potential for growth, and requires minimal upfront investment. It's about finding something that aligns with your skills, interests, and lifestyle.

Multiple income streams refer to earning income from more than one source. This could include a full-time job, a part-time job, a side hustle, passive income from investments, rental income, and more. The goal is to diversify your income sources for greater financial security.

There are many ways to generate multiple income streams, especially with the opportunities offered by the internet. Some popular options include starting a YouTube channel, creating online courses, coaching or consulting, affiliate marketing, starting an Etsy shop or a print-on-demand business, website design, and offering services on platforms like Fiverr.

Absolutely! Many side hustles are flexible and can be done in your spare time, making them a great option for full-time workers. The key is to find something that fits around your schedule and aligns with your interests and skills.

The right income streams for you will depend on your skills, interests, and lifestyle. Consider what you enjoy doing, what skills you have, and how much time you can dedicate to your side hustle. Remember, the goal is to create an income stream that brings you joy and financial security, so take the time to find the right fit for you.

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